An Anne Rwoling Clinic collection tin in the centre saying 'Thank you for your donations on it'

Getting your money to us

Getting your money to us

You can get your money to us online, in person, by phone or post.

Thank you so much for raising money for the Anne Rowling Clinic and helping us search for treatments and a cure for conditions such as MS, MND, Parkinson's disease and dementias.


Donate online

Make a regular or single gift to support research at the Anne Rowling Clinic by using our new online giving portal. 

Donate online now

Set up a JustGiving Page

You can send donations via JustGiving, the funds will come straight to the Anne Rowling Clinic.  To set up a Just Giving page visit Anne Rowling Clinic JustGiving

Donate by bank transfer

Donations can be made directly into our Bank of Scotland account via the details below:

Address: Bank of Scotland, 300 Lawnmarket, Edinburgh EH1 2PH
Sort code:   80-02-24
Account number:  00423592

For donations from outside of the UK:
BIC:     BOFSGB21216
IBAN:  GB32 BOFS 8002 2400 4235 92

Please use your surname in the reference field and contact Kerry Mackay to let us know you would like the money to go to the Anne Rowling Clinic.

